Playhouse Cinema is embarking on the production of a feature-length documentary film titled "Simchat Torah War," based on the tragic events that occurred on October 7, 2023, in Israel. The film is aimed at an international audience and will be showcased at film festivals, cinemas, and streaming platforms.

Simultaneously, the filming of a documentary series is commencing. The project is tailored for a broad online audience and streaming platforms.

Documentary film | PLAYHOUSE TV

A documentary film portraying how the war that began on October 7, 2023, unfolded through the lives of Israelis. The film is being shot in the midst of the events, aiming to become a chronicle of the era when released in a few years. It tells the story of this war not only through military chronicles and expert interviews but also through a myriad of unfolding personal human dramas over time.

A five-episode documentary series.

At the heart of the plot are the destinies of several families from entirely different strata of the diverse Israeli society. Victims of a horrific massacre, hostages, heroes who defended their loved ones from terrorists, soldiers and officers fighting in Gaza, volunteers aiding refugees from the South and North, entrepreneurs struggling to survive, young women with children whose husbands-reservists went off to war, secular and religious, left-wing and right-wing, Jews and Arabs – all of them are members of Israeli families whose stories unfold in the film. They are all at the epicenter of the tragedy unfolding before their eyes. All of them desire Israel's victory over Hamas and pay its price.